What do you do when you have no anchor, no support system, or no direction?

Like I said in my last email, a LOT of my clients felt lost when they couldn’t come to the gym for a couple weeks. They felt a little out of control, and they felt like they had momentarily lost their anchor, sense of direction, or compass.

And it happens to people very frequently, regardless of the situation – they start a program, lose their way, gain back the weight, feel bad, and then start a program again. It’s a vicious cycle and it can be hard to break… I’ve seen it a thousand times.

But the beauty of having a personal trainer, a coach, or a community to help you get started is SO IMPORTANT to ensuring your success, especially in the beginning. Because when you think about it- if you’re trying to make a lifestyle/lifelong change, you are going to need mentors to help you find your way. Because you don’t know the way (yet) when it comes to long-term weight loss and fitness success. It’s one of the reasons that you’ve failed in the past.

These mentors will show you how to make lifestyle changes as well as REQUIRE you to get back on track when you falter, no matter what!

Because everyone falters at some point – but the difference between a two day or a 2 year break can often be determined by the strength of your support system.

This is the importance of community. It’s a group of people that share the same ideals as you – and who are committed to the process and to your success.

However, after a time, it’s important that you start to develop the skills to be your own advocate. To be able to rely on yourself to get into the gym, to go running outside, and to make the best decisions at mealtime.

This is the ultimate definition of success for me. To see my clients change their daily habits and then to witness the transformation that takes place in the mind and the body.

As you can imagine, this process takes time- often MUCH, MUCH longer than people expect. But what this process of time delivers to you is the opportunity to do some experiments, to have some moments of trial and error, to make mistakes, to fall off the horse and get back on, and to develop some grit.

It also requires you to discover your deep reason of WHY you want to change your life. Why do you really want to get healthy, or lose weight, or fight the aging process?

Is it because you lost a loved one too soon and you don’t want that to happen to you?

Or could it be that you had a health scare and you finally decided to stop putting it off?

These deep-seated reasons of why are the things that keep you moving towards your goals- no matter what.

When you know that come hell or high water you’re going to get it done.

No gym required.

Just you and your desire to be better.

I pray that this process is as successful for you as I know it can be. Health, energy, and fitness affect your life ALL DAY LONG. And there is no substitute for being in the best shape of your life- nothing feels better!

I wish you continues success on your journey.

When my client Julie said this to me the other day, it really struck a nerve. It made me so proud of the positive effect that we have had on her life, and yet really sad at the same time.

You see, we had to close YET AGAIN for Covid for the last two weeks…. and my clients (and I) felt so lost….

They felt like they had no direction to channel their pent up energy.

Their bodies and their minds craved movement, sweat, and effort to help them relax, but they didn’t ever choose to do anything.

They went off the rails and ate food like Twizzlers, Oreo’s, French fries – everything and anything! And then they felt horrible and guilty at the same time.

They said things like “I haven’t eaten this badly since before I joined Essential Fitness 3 years ago!”

Or ” I don’t know what to do with myself, I am so lost.”

Or, “I miss my friends, the Trainers who push me, and the ladies that I see every week.”

And these words made me sad, because this pandemic is changing everything, and causing so much pain and suffering… and oftentimes there is nothing that we can do about it.

It’s a fact that there are some things that we have no control over, and some things that we can control.

And what I finally came to realize- was that- these clients of mine had created REAL MOMENTUM in their health, weight loss, and fitness. And when we had to suddenly close – they were caught off guard and without much of a plan. It’s like everything just stopped… and they felt like they were just sent off into the ocean, like a boat ripped off it’s moorings.

They felt like they were just floating out to sea, without the ability to do the things that made them feel happy, connected, vibrant, in control, and strong.

But the good news is – that our “closure” only lasted two weeks. And all of these ladies are literally RUNNING back into the studio, massively grateful for the opportunity to “get back on track.”

And it made me realize – that so many people out there feel lost all of the time. It’s the way they feel all of time. They feel like they keep trying to:

Lose weight.

To start a new workout program.

To start a new diet.

To start a new healthy hobby.

And they fail time and time again because they have no accountability, no structure, or they choose a plan that will never work long term.

So many people out there feel like they don’t have an anchor.

Would you agree? Have you ever felt like you just keep trying and trying but nothing ever sticks? Or that no matter what you do, you can never manage to make long term changes?

If this does sound like you, I want you to know that you are not alone. I want you to know that you can do it, perhaps you just need to try again. To try something different, something that’s designed FOR YOU.

And, if you want to get connected to a community that is so strong, so loyal, and so unshakeable that you will literally feel like a piece of you is missing if you cannot go – then you might want to give us a try.

Feel free to click the link below for your free session with me, and come see what this life-changing program is all about. And I hope that we can help you feel “anchored” as well.

Womens Gym planks

“Life” happens all the time!

It seems like every day is an adventure, doesn’t it? Usually, the days just blend together without much craziness, and then bam! you get in an accident, or trip and fall, the world gets a pandemic, or relationships dissolve.

Life has a crazy way of making us realize “what we had then” and then teaches us to be grateful for what we have now. It also teaches us to find a way to get what we want – if we really, truly want it.

Because we are definitely not in control of everything. And I believe our attempts to control everything causes us so much stress and anxiety, don’t you?

We get anxious when things don’t go our way, or obstacles constantly seem to get in our path. Or, when other people don’t behave in the way we think that they should.

On the other hand, it feels impossible to always just go with the flow, because it feels like we are never getting anywhere…. just floating around, being pushed here and there by people, life and circumstances….

So, what’s the answer?

Control what you can control.

In my world at Essential Fitness- it’s control of:

  • what you eat
  • what you drink
  • how much you move
  • how hard you work
  • whether you show up or not
  • what you commit to
  • how much rest you get
  • your thoughts and belief (trust the process)
  • your choice to continue or quit
  • your attitude

These choices are the difference between success and failure in my studio, and actually, in life as well.

All of the other stuff (when it comes to fitness and weight loss), you just have to let that go.

Like, the scale not behaving the way you want it to.

Or your knee that keeps complaining every time you run (switch out the running and/or do more rehab).

Or family issues that seem to pull you away from your health priorities (figure out a way).

YOU are ultimately in control of where you are today, and your success or lack thereof.

So, my challenge for you this week is to control the things that will make you succeed in your fitness journey, leave the excuses behind, and release the things that you thought were holding you back.

They’re not.

Not if you don’t let them.