
This place is my anchor

When my client Julie said this to me the other day, it really struck a nerve. It made me so proud of the positive effect that we have had on her life, and yet really sad at the same time.

You see, we had to close YET AGAIN for Covid for the last two weeks…. and my clients (and I) felt so lost….

They felt like they had no direction to channel their pent up energy.

Their bodies and their minds craved movement, sweat, and effort to help them relax, but they didn’t ever choose to do anything.

They went off the rails and ate food like Twizzlers, Oreo’s, French fries – everything and anything! And then they felt horrible and guilty at the same time.

They said things like “I haven’t eaten this badly since before I joined Essential Fitness 3 years ago!”

Or ” I don’t know what to do with myself, I am so lost.”

Or, “I miss my friends, the Trainers who push me, and the ladies that I see every week.”

And these words made me sad, because this pandemic is changing everything, and causing so much pain and suffering… and oftentimes there is nothing that we can do about it.

It’s a fact that there are some things that we have no control over, and some things that we can control.

And what I finally came to realize- was that- these clients of mine had created REAL MOMENTUM in their health, weight loss, and fitness. And when we had to suddenly close – they were caught off guard and without much of a plan. It’s like everything just stopped… and they felt like they were just sent off into the ocean, like a boat ripped off it’s moorings.

They felt like they were just floating out to sea, without the ability to do the things that made them feel happy, connected, vibrant, in control, and strong.

But the good news is – that our “closure” only lasted two weeks. And all of these ladies are literally RUNNING back into the studio, massively grateful for the opportunity to “get back on track.”

And it made me realize – that so many people out there feel lost all of the time. It’s the way they feel all of time. They feel like they keep trying to:

Lose weight.

To start a new workout program.

To start a new diet.

To start a new healthy hobby.

And they fail time and time again because they have no accountability, no structure, or they choose a plan that will never work long term.

So many people out there feel like they don’t have an anchor.

Would you agree? Have you ever felt like you just keep trying and trying but nothing ever sticks? Or that no matter what you do, you can never manage to make long term changes?

If this does sound like you, I want you to know that you are not alone. I want you to know that you can do it, perhaps you just need to try again. To try something different, something that’s designed FOR YOU.

And, if you want to get connected to a community that is so strong, so loyal, and so unshakeable that you will literally feel like a piece of you is missing if you cannot go – then you might want to give us a try.

Feel free to click the link below for your free session with me, and come see what this life-changing program is all about. And I hope that we can help you feel “anchored” as well.