Entries by Essential Fitness


Hesitation is one of our greatest obstacles as fitness coaches. Many people who have health and fitness goals let hesitation get the better of them for years and decades before doing anything about it. I find that this is one of the greatest roadblocks we face when trying to help a potential client change his […]


Essential Fitness Trainer’s Training

Hello – Maureen from Essential Fitness here! I wanted to share the details about our newest and most exciting program- “Trainer’s Training.” Do you love fitness? Do you love helping others? Then this program may be for you! This internship is designed to teach you all of the information you need to help inspire and […]


1% Better Every Day

1% Better every day by Trainer Cynthia Carlson Habits are the compound interest of self-development. The same way money multiplies through compound interest, so too do your habits multiply as you repeat them. It doesn’t appear to make a difference on any given day, yet the impact they deliver over the course of months and […]

You actually do have time to work out!

“I don’t have time to workout!” is another excuse we hear all the time. Let’s face it, we are all over-scheduled and feel we need more hours in the day to get everything done. But the truth oF the matter is YOU HAVE TO MAKE THE TIME TO TAKE CARE OF YOU. No one is […]

Stop The Hesitation!

Hesitation is one of our greatest obstacles. Many people who have health and fitness goals let hesitation get the better of them for years before doing anything about it. I find that this is one of the greatest roadblocks we face when trying to help a potential client change her life. The fact is, many […]

Why The Food Journal Is So Useful For Weight Loss

The best “diet” or menu plan that we can create for you is the one that fits your natural tendencies, not the one that worked for Jane or for Sally. Your eating plan should be designed specifically for you, based on your lifestyle and your current habits. In order to make lasting, sustainable changes to […]

10 Minute Protein Packed Breakfast

How about trying something different today? Try this super simple protein pancake, and make breakfast for the whole family in less than 10 minutes! Our favorite pancake mix is Maple flavored Parrillo Pancake and Muffin mix. Just add water and cook in a skillet with a little avocado oil. 2 cups of mix (add water) […]