Control What you Can

“Life” happens all the time!

It seems like every day is an adventure, doesn’t it? Usually, the days just blend together without much craziness, and then bam! you get in an accident, or trip and fall, the world gets a pandemic, or relationships dissolve.

Life has a crazy way of making us realize “what we had then” and then teaches us to be grateful for what we have now. It also teaches us to find a way to get what we want – if we really, truly want it.

Because we are definitely not in control of everything. And I believe our attempts to control everything causes us so much stress and anxiety, don’t you?

We get anxious when things don’t go our way, or obstacles constantly seem to get in our path. Or, when other people don’t behave in the way we think that they should.

On the other hand, it feels impossible to always just go with the flow, because it feels like we are never getting anywhere…. just floating around, being pushed here and there by people, life and circumstances….

So, what’s the answer?

Control what you can control.

In my world at Essential Fitness- it’s control of:

  • what you eat
  • what you drink
  • how much you move
  • how hard you work
  • whether you show up or not
  • what you commit to
  • how much rest you get
  • your thoughts and belief (trust the process)
  • your choice to continue or quit
  • your attitude

These choices are the difference between success and failure in my studio, and actually, in life as well.

All of the other stuff (when it comes to fitness and weight loss), you just have to let that go.

Like, the scale not behaving the way you want it to.

Or your knee that keeps complaining every time you run (switch out the running and/or do more rehab).

Or family issues that seem to pull you away from your health priorities (figure out a way).

YOU are ultimately in control of where you are today, and your success or lack thereof.

So, my challenge for you this week is to control the things that will make you succeed in your fitness journey, leave the excuses behind, and release the things that you thought were holding you back.

They’re not.

Not if you don’t let them.